That’s a great question! You wouldn’t know what we do if you don’t need our service and that’s great. However if you do that’s when words such as CPAP usage, importance of CPAP therapy and CPAP supplies come into view.
We provide you with all the tools needed to have a successful outcome on therapy. Our respiratory therapists provide you with 1 on 1 instructions showing you how a CPAP machine works and how to be successful in your CPAP usage.
But that’s not all we do.
After therapy our clinical department is monitoring your therapy with the data your CPAP machine provides us through the cloud (completely secure by the way).
You might be thinking “so what sorta data is it providing?“
To keep it simple (which we love) your machine tells us how many hours you used it last night, did you have high mask leaks and was your AHI under 5. We don’t just monitor this information for 1 day, we monitor it as long as you are on therapy with Breathe Medical.